Saturday, January 30, 2010

When can you make big decisions on your own?

The book I am reading is My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piouclt. This book is about a girl named Anna(13) who has a sister named Kate. Kate has had cancer since she was little (she is now 16) and without Anna's kidney is going to die. But Anna has been keeping her sister alive since she was born. And Anna doesn't want to give her sister her kidney because she is sick of helping her sister. The book is about this family's struggle with Kate and Anna.

This book reminds me of a discussion that we were having in class about when you are old enough to make big decisions like Anna's to get medically emancipated even if it meant killing her sister. I think that a regular 13 year old is too young to make their own decisions. But Anna is more mature than a normal 13 year old because her sister has cancer and she has had to deal with that her entire life which had made her more mature.

I think that their is no set age for someone to start making their own decisions. I think that it depends on your maturity level. So for some people that age could be 13 and for others it could be 20. It depends on the person and what they have had to deal with in their life.

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