Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Conflict in Athem by ayn Rand

In Ayn Rand's Anthem the main conflict is not knowing who you are. In the novel Equality 7-2521 has to deal with his problem about not really knowing what to think about himself. He doesn't know if he is nice or mean person. He only knows what he is suppose to be like and how he is suppose to act. In the beginning of the book when Equality 7-2521 is describing his world " We strive to be like all brother men, for all men must be alike." this proves that in his world if you are different you are punished and forced to change. In a dystopia like this no one has their own identify, they all share one. No one knows who they are and that is a big problem with this type of world.

This problem of not knowing who you are is a Man vs. Man conflict because when you are struggling to find out who you are, you are struggling against yourself. Other people can't find out who you are for you, you have to find out for yourself.

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