Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How a High School Student Changed my Outlook on Cell Phones

The article that I looked at is Cell Phone Rules Actually Make Sense by Shannon Turner. The article is about a student who attends a high school that has a complete ban on cell phones meaning they aren't aloud to use cell phone at all during the day and her view on the rules in her school. She has very interesting views, she unlike most students supports her schools rules. This to me is very interesting because it is so unlike the ordinary student. She says that "However, the more I thought about it the more I realized how sad and pathetic it is that teenagers can’t go six hours, five days a week without being on their cell phones, and maybe the rule was put in place for a reason." What she said didn't completely change my thinking but it did open up a new view for me. Before I read this I didn't really see why there would be a full cell phone ban. But now I can see maybe where the schools are coming from. Teenagers should be able to go six hours a day five days a week without constant contact with their friends. So this article did not completely change my outlook on my topic but it did give me a new perspective on cell phone bans in schools.

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