Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I guess I never thought about it!

Before a couple days ago I never exactly thought about the creationism vs. evolution controversy. I had heard about it but I had never stopped and thought about my views or the facts behind either theory. After listening to the presentation about whether or not both creationism and evolution should be taught in schools I realized that both theories have fact behind them and should be taught in public schools.

During 7Th grade when I first learned about evolution in my school, I just figured that that was true and that is what I should believe and that is not the case. Students should not just believe something that they are taught when there is another good theory out there with fact behinds it like creationism has behind it. Before watching this presentation I didn't realize that creationism had facts behind it. And his fact alone changes my thinking about this topic.

After this presentation I feel confident in that both creationism and evolution should be taught in schools because they both have fact behind them and students should decide which theory they believe and makes sense to them.