Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Skype is Changing the World!

The article that I read was called Neither rain nor snow nor... tonsils and it was written by Karl Fisch from his blog called The Fisch Bowl . This article was about how a teacher at Arapahoe High School who was staying home with her sick daughter and was communicating with her students using Skype.

This article made me think about how I could be using Skype to communicate with my family around the country. This all started a little more than a month ago when I had my family in town. We all decided that we didn't talk enough and that we should start our own blog so that we could keep in touch easier. But reading this article made me think that if a teacher could talk to her students when she is at home than why couldn't my family and I use Skype to keep in touch with each other. That way we could have even more time to talk to each other.

Skype has really started to change the way everyone has communicated with each other. A few years ago there was really no way to have a "face to face" chat with someone you wanted to talk to. But now with all the new technology there is people can have a" face to face" chat with anyone. So this article really made me think of all the new ways people are communicating that didn't exist a couple of years ago.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To what extent do actions change intentions?

Are actions have a big affect on what we intend to do. If we have negative feelings of someone or we use negative actions on them than our intentions towards them will probably also be very bad and negative. For instance in Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cast of Amontillado" Montresor wants revenge on Fortunato so he locks him up to die in the catacombs underground because of something unknown that Fortunato did to Montresor. If Fortunato didn't act in the way he did maybe he wouldn't be dead in the catacombs because of Montresor. Because Fortunato acted that way it somehow offended Montresor in a negative way. So Montresor's intentions we also negative towards Fortunato. So I think that actions have a very big part of what we intend to do. No matter what the situation our actions mean a lot.